Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bringing Coffee Back

September 11, 2009

In my ongoing pursuit to regain normalcy, I’ve returned to the comforting (and energizing) arms of coffee. I forewent my beloved morning cuppa joe when I was pregnant (and will again with the next pregnancies) not only to avoid the daily dose of caffeine early in pregnancy, but also because the warm, bracing caresses of the black brew frankly turned my delicate morning-sickened tummy.

But now, I’m bringing coffee back. Methodically. I’m doing half-caf (non-coffee drinkers read: half decaffeinated, half caffeinated), which should work out well in case I begin to feel any anxiety – which can be exacerbated by too much caffeine.

My first cup was dismal. Too weak. And as every serious coffee drinker knows, a weak cup is pretty much a little worse than no cup at all. So out it went. Yup. Down the drain.

The next cup was fairly strong (albeit still too weak for the likes of my sis-in-law Anne), so it stayed. I put a bit more cream and sugar in, and – ahhhh – just right.

Welcome back, coffee.


Sarah and the Gentlemen said...

Have you tried Coffee-mate's Belgian Chocolate Toffee? It's delicious!

Staci said...

I had a coupon for a drink at Target's Cafe. I thought that was the Starbucks inside Target and ordered myself a Caramel Mocha. I was a little disappointed when they told me the coupon was for the little pizza place inside Target. They asked if I still wanted my mocha...I couldn't say "no" at that I forked over the dough. It was worth it! Yummmmmm!

Rebekah said...

FYI: I gave out an blog award to you! Check it out on my blog.