Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer Days Driftin' Away

Somehow, I’m just realizing, the summer has passed by in a whirl of packing, unpacking, traveling hither and thither, and cleaning cleaning cleaning.  I feel a pause in the frenetic activity that has swallowed me up these past months.  And I glimpse fall waiting quietly in the wings.

I’m glad for it.  Fall is my very favorite season, so rich in color and spicy smells and good hearty recipes and family get-togethers.  I also rejoice in the tangible proof that seasons do change – especially when one has felt caught in a souped-up version of the movie Groundhog Day.

Yes, many things – blogging included – drifted to the wayside during my summer months of packing, travel, and cleaning.  Oh sure, I began several blog posts, but somehow pushing the “publish” button was simply beyond me.  Heck, at one point, I even re-designed my blog layout for the summer months, but alas, nary a post.  Ah well.

The seasons are changing, and though change brings both loss and gain, I believe my family is ready for them.  There are new plans in the works, new ideas being discussed, and an anticipation we haven’t felt for quite some time.  Sometimes in order to gain the new things, the old things – the comfortable, safe, known things – must be put aside.

So welcome, fall.  I can’t wait to see the changes you bring.


Autumn Terrill said...

I missed your posts, but it was worth the wait. This one is so cheery and hopeful yet there is an undercurrent of something strong and resilient in your words. Something tested and not found wanting. Many blessings for this new season, weather-wise and other-wise :)

Jessica said...

*Facebook Comments*

Nicole Hotrum I agree, Fall is my favoite season as well. I cant wait to see what Fall brings you. More happiness, love and good changes than you can handle hopefully! :)
Wednesday at 3:17pm

Anna Bredeson Garcia Yeah! I have been having blog withdrawals...
Wednesday at 3:18pm

Cassie Wicks I love Fall!! :)
Wednesday at 3:18pm

Jana Deiss i ♥ it when you blog! Such a gift with words. Thank you.
Wednesday at 4:00pm

Sena Day Gould this makes me SOOOO happy. Your words are so touching and moving I really enjoy reading what you write.
Wednesday at 5:00pm

Jen Rouse said...

Welcome back to blogland. I missed your posts too, but I understand. My posts were much fewer this summer too. And I'm looking at my day today and wondering whether I'll be able to blog or not. So many things suck up those precious hours of "quiet time" (aka Mommy computer time) every afternoon.